Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the radiologic center of Paris la Defense

Indications – What are the types of MRI performed at the MRI center of paris la defense?

All MRI are performed
Here are some examples:
Musculoskeletal MRI (Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist, Hand, Spine, Pelvis, Knee, Ankle, Foot …)
Cervical and ENT MRI
MRI of the sinuses
abdominal MRI (Hepatic, pancreatic, renal, adrenal …)
Pelvic MRI
Breast MRI

What is the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)?

The magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an imaging technique that uses magnetic fields and radiofrequency waves to acquire detailed images of the body. MRI scans only explored the region, not the whole body.

At the imaging center at Paris La Défense, your examination will be conducted on a 1.5 Tesla MRI. It allows data acquisition and image production extremely thin. The level of detail achieved allows the body part being studied to be analyzed in three planes of space, including 3D representations.

Preparation – What to do before an MRI at the radiology center Paris La Defense?

Due to security measures at your appointment please notify our office staff if you have:

A pacemaker
A cochlear implant
Heart valve metal
An intra-arterial stent
Clips for the treatment of cerebral aneurysms
Risk of having a metal fragment in the eye
For security issues, you must fill in the MRI department, a detailed medical questionnaire.

Because of the specificity and detail of the image provided by the MRI examination protocols may vary depending on the symptoms for the same region of interest. For this reason, additional informations on your symptoms may also be required prior to completion of your MRI.

For most MRI there is no special preparation required. However, our staff will advise you when specific instructions when making your appointment.

If you take regular medication, you should continue taking it unless otherwise stated.
If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, it is imperative to inform our staff when making appointments.
For brain MRI, avoid wearing eye makeup whenever possible.

Procedure – How is a MRI atthe radiology center Paris La Defense?

You must complete some administrative formalities upon arrival and you will be informed about the price of the exam. The cost of MRI varies of the examination.

You will be asked to empty your pockets and remove all objects considered dangerous by the operator before entering the examination room.
You may be asked to remove jewelry and piercings
You may be asked to remove clothing relevant to the region concerned by MRI
You may need an injection of intravenous contrast – if necessary one of our handlers will insert a small needle into a vein in your arm before your MRI.

For MRI, you will be asked to lie on a table, and a device specially designed to read the MRI signals will be placed around the area to explorer.The technician radiologist will then give you earplugs or headphones because the noise caused by MRI, and a pear to hold in your hand if you need to report a problem. MRI is a « tube » that is open at both ends. Explored area will be moved to the center of the MRI. Your head can be inside or outside of the tube depending on the area being analyzed.
When the exam begins the machine will make a series of sounds that will last throughout the exam, when images are being recorded. It is very important that you stay still, especially when the machine does this noise. The radiologist, and the operator will look at you and stay in contact with you throughout the exam.
Your radiologist will explain all aspects of your examination. Your consent will be requested before starting the procedure.
You will receive your MRI report at the end of your appointment.

How long does an MRI at the radiology center Paris La Defense?

The vast majority of MRI last 20 minutes, but in order to complete the administrative steps and wait for your report  in a general way, we suggest you allow up to an hour for your appointment.

is MRI safe?

MRI does not use ionizing radiation and is not known to be harmful for patients who can safely enter the magnetic field.

Magnetic fields used in MRI are contrindicated for some patients. The implementation of certain medical implants can make entry in the magnetic field dangerous. Foreign metal objects can also cause dangerous diseases. At the Imaging Center Paris La Défense all persons are interviewed before being allowed to enter the MRI room.

If you need an injection of contrast material, there is a small risk of allergic reaction. The possibility of reaction is minimized by the collection of your medical history. All our employees are trained to observe even the most minor signs of an allergic reaction and make the necessary action if needed.